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Pets > Dogs > Breeds > Molosser Group > Mastiff > Old English Mastiffs > Mastiff Breeders, British Columbia, Canada > Rockport Mastiffs - English Mastiff Puppies for sale

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Copyright © 2008-2013 Rockport Mastiffs
Our Mission
Breeders of English Mastiffs and only English Mastiffs
We are Mastiff breeders located in the Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Our English Mastiffs and our English Mastiff puppies are raised in a loving home environment. We breed only Mastiffs, not multiple breeds. "Breeding Quality" is our motto.
Breeding only the Best English Mastiff Pedigrees
Rockport Mastiffs have incorporated some of the very best mastiff pedigrees from Europe and the United Kingdom in an effort to produce the ultimate English Mastiff dog. England is recognised as the original home of the Old English Mastiff. Excellent pedigrees from England have been exported worldwide and can now be accessed from many countries.
Maintaining the Highest Old English Mastiff Quality Standards
We are firm believers in maintaining the high quality standard of English Mastiffs from the U.K. that have been exhibited at the world famous Crufts Dog Show. Many of these old pedigrees go back to the Havengore lines which were renowned for the "Havengore head". The Havengore head has been acknowledged by many mastiff breeders as the ideal mastiff head. Other pedigrees derive from the Hollesly Kennel who bred the famous Medicine Man, considered by many Mastiff breeder judges to have been the greatest Mastiff ever bred.
We at Rockport Mastiffs have made a conscious effort to breed along the lines noted above in an effort to ensure a continuation of some of these widely acknowledged ideal Mastiff features.
We at Rockport Mastiffs are fortunate to have a stud dog named Pallone's Northern Lights. He was bred by Debra Pallone from Pallone's Mastiffs, in Texas. Northern Lights (SPIKE) grandfather was the famous American Bred Stud Dog called Greiner Hall, Jedadiah, who is in the Mastiff Club of America (M.C.O.A.) Hall Of Fame. He was owned by the past president of the Mastiff Club of America, Chuck & Gloria Cuthbert of Rydalmount Mastiffs in Ohio, U.S.A. Greiner Hall, Jedadiah was bred by Leah & Steve Nepotnik of Virginia U.S.A. who own Greiner Hall Mastiffs. Pallone's, Northern Lights has continued to produce some great offspring that exemplify our Noble Breed. He is truly a great mastiff stud dog.
We accept the breed standard published by the Old English Mastiff Club ( O.E.M.C. ) in 1903 as being the correct Mastiff type. We believe the height of the Mastiff comes from the depth of the body, not from the length of the leg. We also firmly believe that Mastiffs need to look like Mastiffs, not like Great Danes.
We have put into effect a breeding plan to improve what is being referred to as the American Mastiff.
The Complete English Mastiff: Size, Soundness and Good Temperament
There are many aspects to the complete Mastiff. Rockport Mastiffs believe that Mastiff size is very important, if combined with soundness and good temperament. These objectives can be acheived through proper health care and a good diet. We at Rockport Mastiffs have used a modified "BARF" diet for many years with excellent success. Many Mastiff breeders and dog fanciers at dog shows comment that it is a recorded fact that Mastiffs are the largest breed of dogs in the world, and that what we breeders exhibit should reflect that fact.
Only Happy, Healthy English Mastiff Puppies for Sale
We at Rockport Mastiffs are very proud of the Old English Mastiff puppies we produce. We know that some of them will go on to become Canadian Champions, American Champions or International Champions. Others will go to loving homes and become an important part of someone's family. Ultimately, what is most important is that Rockport Mastiffs have done everything possible to ensure that the English Mastiff puppies we offer for sale are happy, healthy Mastiff puppies.